EMF Protection - GIA Wellness Energy Products


Universal Guard

The revolutionary GIA Universal Guard provides your first line of defense against electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from common household and office devices. It actively works to neutralize the effects of your exposure to EMR, as well as strengthen the body’s resilience to stress, at the same time.


Cell Guard

The GIA Cell Guard has been designed to neutralize the effects of your exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), as well as to strengthen the resilience of your body’s biofield to stress, at the same time. The Cell Guard is available in both “classic” and “sliver” varieties. A must-have for every cellphone!

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Gialife Classic Pendant

The GIAlife Pendant provides you with a body-worn, bioenergetic solution to help you deal with everyday debilitating stress, including electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Experience for yourself the pendant’s unique energy enhancement qualities, which have already improved thousands of lives across the world.

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All Energy Products

Custom blended. Intentional. Positive Energy. Programmed to work with the human body. GIA’s Lifestyle Energy Products are designed to help offset everyday energy that is “zapping” our bodies. Bringing life changing energy to every aspect of life so you can do more. Click to learn more about these products.

Gia Energy

Custom blended. Intentional. Positive Energy. Programmed to work with the human body. GIA’s Lifestyle Energy Products are designed to help offset everyday energy that is “zapping” our bodies. Bringing life changing energy to every aspect of life so you can do more.

Behind the technology

The Molecular Resonance Effect Technology is found in all the GIA products. MRET is a patented noise-field technology that has been proven to effectively reduce radiation absorption. It is specifically designed to mitigate the harmful impact of electromagnetic radiation.

The U.S. patent behind MRET verifies that the technology, in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, reduces radiation absorption without changing the quality of the signal. MRET is a crucial technology in today’s wireless age, because more and more studies have unequivocally stated that the radiation and frequencies that are emitted from our smartphones, wireless devices, smart meters and presence of emerging 5G technology are harmful, pose significant health concerns for children and adults and are linked to a number of specific conditions. GIA’s patented MRET technology has been substantiated in Medical Centers, Universities and Laboratories across the world.


How does the GIA Cell Guard work?

Find out through the video below.