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Meditation on Twin Hearts

  • Advanced Wellness of Atlanta 1549 Clairmont Rd #105 Decatur, GA (map)

Join us and the Pranic Healing community of Atlanta for the Weekly Meditation on Twin Hearts. The mediation starts at 7:00 pm every Tuesday and meet in-person and via ZOOM! What is Meditation on Twin Hearts?

It is a short-guided mediation blessing the earth with loving-kindness, peace, and goodwill. This meditation works on the physical, mental and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra, and crown chakra. In return, we reap the amazing benefits of inner harmony .

Meeting ID: 702 350 295 Password: 039277

One tap mobile +16465588656, 702650295# US (New York)

Earlier Event: April 25
Reiki Share
Later Event: May 9
Reiki Share